Fair Trade USA Recognizes Partners' Expanded Commitments to Fair Trade Coffee During Price and Demand Crisis

Sep 29, 2020 1:30 PM ET
Campaign: Products We Sell

Originally Posted by Fair Trade USA

Fair Trade USA… announces its #JustOneCup campaign to aid coffee farmers amid an unprecedented coffee crisis as the pandemic continues.

Fair trade is needed as a social safety net now more than ever. It is the only mainstream model that guarantees a minimum price for producers and delivers additional funds per pound of coffee for producers to use at their discretion.

Fair Trade USA commends the significant strides of the following partners in fulfilling or scaling up their commitments to fair trade, sustainability, and traceable sourcing in collaboration with the ongoing Sustainable Coffee Challenge

Read the full release here.

Watch this video to learn more about Albertsons Companies’ O Organics coffee becoming 100% Fair Trade Certified.