FedEx & American Red Cross Help Small Businesses Prep for a Disaster

Originally published by FedEx Cares
Is your small business prepared for a disaster? Download your free small business disaster preparedness checklist in English or Spanish.
September is National Preparedness Month in the U.S. Given that 40% of small businesses do not recover from a disaster FedEx and the American Red Cross have teamed up to create a checklist small businesses can use to help ensure they stay in business after a disaster strikes.
The checklist covers in detail these three areas:
How vulnerable would your business be if a disaster or other emergency were to occur?
What is your plan to protect the business and its employees before, during and after an emergency?
What can you do to integrate emergency preparedness procedures into your work place culture?
Please take a moment and download this free resource. A PDF copy of the checklist is available in English or Spanish.