Feed the Children: Making a Difference in the Fight Against Childhood Hunger

When the issue of childhood hunger is discussed, people usually imagine impoverished children in developing countries. But the truth of the matter is millions of children in America face food-insecurity.
As you can imagine, hunger isn’t prejudiced. It doesn’t care about gender, age, or ethnicity. It doesn’t know if you’re homeless or part of the working class. It can impact anyone.
Yet somehow, the issue of hunger in America has gone largely undetected.
Consider this for a moment: 1 in 9 people in America will go to bed on an empty stomach. That’s 800 million people who fall asleep each night feeling hungry.
Sadly, out of those 800 million people, over 13 million are children. Statistically, 1 in 6 children faces food insecurity.
Ironically, research suggests the world produces more food than it needs. So why does hunger affect so many?
The Impact of Hunger In America
There are many factors that impact hunger. But more than any, poverty is the main factor. Poverty and hunger are very closely connected. Low-income families often go without critical resources such as food, healthcare and education.
Many children who suffer from food insecurity have greater difficulty learning. Some never finish school.
Without the ability to read and learn the necessary skills needed to earn a decent wage, many struggle in life as adults. Not to mention the jobs available to those who are not well-educated are often low-paying jobs that make it difficult to afford the essentials.
At Feed the Children, we believe something has to be done. We’ve made it our vision to create a world where no child goes to bed hungry.
Every day, our donors, volunteers, partners, advocates and staff give their time, energy, and resources towards turning our vision into a reality.
Making A Difference In The Fight Against Childhood Hunger
As an organization, we understand how serious the issue of hunger is. We also understand that, if the issue isn’t brought into the light, the problem will only get worse.
That’s why we have strategically placed facilities across the United States, and in 10 countries internationally, to make a difference.
How do we make a difference? By offering programs that provide food and essential items for children and their families. We also offer programs centered on education for children in low-income communities.
Research shows that children from families who suffer from hunger are more likely to have lower test scores and repeat a grade in school. That’s why we provide backpacks, school supplies and books to help provide a stronger educational foundation.
By providing food and essentials that help children grow, as well as education programs to ensure they can read and have the supplies to advance in school, you can help children gain opportunities to have a brighter future.
It’s truly amazing to see lives being affected by the work we’re all doing. And each year that number continues to grow.
How Can You Join the Fight Against Hunger?
Fighting hunger comes down to one thing: a choice. A choice to stand. A choice to act. A choice to fight back against a problem that can be solved.
As an organization, it’s our belief that by working together with people like you, our vision will become a reality.
Combined with donations from our generous partners, every dollar you give to Feed the Children is multiplied 7 times. Imagine the impact you can make on the life of a struggling family.
Donate and help defeat hunger with us. Together, we can create a world where no child goes to bed hungry.
Support Feed the Children through your employee giving program:
As a donor, you can support Feed the Children by donating to them through your employer’s workplace giving program (CFC#10986 if you're a military or federal employee participating in the Combined Federal Campaign). Payroll pledges made through employer-sponsored charitable giving programs represent a cost effective and near effortless way to support your favorite charities.
As Feed the Children's workplace giving partner, America’s Charities can help your company design and implement a program centered on supporting their work - through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, cause-focused signature programs, volunteerism, donation drives, matching gifts, Dollars-for-Doers, In-Kind Giving and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives. Click here to request a demo and learn how we can help you do this.