Ferrero Releases 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Report

The Ferrero Group releases its 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Report, marking 70 years of glocal care for the People and the Planet that play a role in Ferrero’s every day activities.
Ferrero’s approach to sustainability is currently based on the company’s social responsibility strategy: “Sharing values to create value”.
For Ferrero the creation of shared value is a practice that involves all stages of the value chain. It is implemented every day through our commitment to consumers, which results in the highest quality products, innovation and transparent communication, caring for the people who have made and continue to make the history of the Group, the support of local communities, the promotion of active lifestyles among youths and their families, all the way to its strong commitment to sustainable farming practices and safeguarding and protecting the environment.
Furthermore, the Group has strengthened its efforts in women empowerment by increasing its number of women senior managers and launching a hazelnut farming programme for women in Turkey. Ferrero has also enhanced its strong commitment to responsible cocoa sourcing, with the aim to work side by side with cocoa farmers to improve community livelihoods, protect children’s rights and prevent deforestation.
In addition to confirming all the commitments of its corporate social responsibility strategy for 2020, this year Ferrero has connected all its Group business themes to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to support the accomplishment of the SDGs by 2030.
All of Ferrero’s activities were defined according to the expectations and priorities of its stakeholders, and shape its global value chain into a journey of responsibility.
Find out more. Read Ferrero’s 8th CSR report on Sharing Values to Create Value.