Five Trends Shaping CSR Today: A Webinar From Catalist and Blackbaud on August 21st
Join Brittany Hill, CEO and co-founder of Catalist, as she gives a sneak peek to a much-anticipated session at this year’s bbcon—Leading CSR Trends: Powering New Relationships Between Corporations and Nonprofits.

In 2018, Catalist identified top trends in CSR based on extensive customer and …
2018 has been a significant year for corporate responsibility, with many companies placing a heightened focus on this area particularly after BlackRock's announcement in January regarding their investment requirements. Are you aware of other prominent themes that have developed over the course of the year? For example, are you prepared to refine your list of partners based on the brand shift away from multiple partners to a few targeted and select nonprofit partners? Transparency has also continued to rise as a key theme that needs to be present in your brand and programmatic work prior to a cause marketing push. Do you know steps to take to integrate transparency into your organization's core efforts, and what stakeholders need to be at the table?
In this webinar from Blackbaud and Catalist on August 21st, we will reveal top themes in the company + nonprofit partnerships world, with tangible insights shared by leading social impact executives. Catalist's CEO, Brittany Hill, will walk through what they are seeing on the corporate and nonprofit side, both at an aggregate and detailed level based on their work through their robust matchmaking and measurement platform.
Join us to understand the top CSR themes of 2018, and steps your organization can take to translate these themes into stronger partnerships. Register now!