Forget the Fairy Tale: How to Manage EHS Integration Post-Acquisition

Forget the Fairy Tale: How to Manage EHS Integration Post-Acquisition
In an ideal world, a merger or acquisition would be preceded by exhaustive environmental due diligence, after which all environment, health, safety, and sustainability (EHS&S) gaps would be addressed, all disparate practices merged, and everyone would live happily ever after. In the real world, it’s never that easy.
Antea Group walks you through the critical period after an acquisition and helps you determine when to call for backup.
About Antea Group
Antea Group is an international engineering and environmental consulting firm specializing in full-service solutions in the fields of environment, infrastructure, urban planning and water. By combining strategic thinking and multidisciplinary perspectives with technical expertise and pragmatic action, we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better future. With more than 3,000 employees in over 100 offices around the world, we serve clients ranging from global energy companies and manufacturers to national governments and local municipalities. Learn more at