Four Key Takeaways From 3BL Forum

This week, business executives, nonprofit leaders, government officials and issue advocates met in National Harbor, Maryland for the annual 3BL Forum. The theme of the conference was “Brands Taking Stands – What’s Next” and dove into how brands and organizations can continue to push forward on the world’s most pressing social and environmental issues by digging in on activism, engagement and activation. Here are a few key takeaways we took from the event:
- Live Your Purpose, Then Tell the World: Alison DaSilva, EVP of Purpose/CSR at Porter Novelli/Cone shared tips on how to avoid Purpose-washing and lead with authenticity in a session kicking off the conference. DaSilva stated too many companies want to go straight to the “tell” aspect of Purpose. Organizations must first find and live their Purpose, before they communicate externally. This means first identifying a crystal-clear Purpose, then creating the programs, policies and goals internally that align with that Purpose. Brands must remember to always balance “living your Purpose and telling your Purpose.”
Civic Citizenship is More Than Volunteerism: In the panel called, “A Stake in the Ground for Our Nation – Engagement and Activism at Every Level,” Jenny Lawson, Chief Civic Innovation Officer at Points of Light, shared how civic citizenship is changing. Lawson drove home that civic engagement is about much more than volunteerism – sharing a chart that included such activities as voting, social entrepreneurship, purchasing power and more. And, Lawson purported, the urgency to expand our definition of civic citizenship is being driven by Millennials and Gen Z.
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