Free Webinar March 26: What Would Happen if There Was MORE Employee Giving?

Thanks to legislation that created the New Jersey Employees Charitable Campaign (NJECC) in 1985, employees of state agencies, universities, county government, municipalities and school districts throughout New Jersey enjoy the benefit of giving to many of their favorite charities through an annual workplace giving campaign which features the convenience of payroll deduction. This drive supports the work of approved charitable agencies and organizations, with approximately 1,000 charities participating each year. These agencies fight disease, make life more meaningful for the young and elderly, assist the impoverished, and help people to become economically self-sufficient.
Marking its 34th year in 2018, the NJECC has raised nearly $50 million for charitable organizations – local, national, and international.
What would happen if there was MORE employee giving?
What would happen if more states, counties, and private sector companies offered workplace giving campaigns? What if more employees were offered the opportunity to donate through employee giving programs?
Employee giving is a vital mechanism for social impact. If we are to meet the greatest demands before us such as climate change, obesity, homelessness, and myriad other issues, then it is imperative that employee giving programs continue to grow and produce even more resources for the nonprofits that our changing our world.
Join America's Charities' FREE webinar on March 26 at 1:00pm EDT
Susan O'Brien, Campaign Manager of the NJECC, will join us to address how we can continue growing workplace giving. O’Brien manages the NJECC's daily campaign operations and has 15 years’ experience running the campaign. She leads the recruitment and training of campaign volunteers in addition to Loaned Executives, is the principal liaison for the Chairperson of the Campaign, and handles key account management and coordinator relationships by providing coaching, mentoring and training to all levels of State and Local Government. O'Brien serves as liaison to over 120 state and local agencies and helps plan their employee fundraising campaigns and is responsible for monitoring the campaigns financial progress and success each year.
During the webinar, O'Brien will share her experience and insights on:
- What would happen if employee giving programs didn’t exist?
- What real-world difference does it make when employees give through workplace giving programs as opposed to other fundraising methods like Facebook, GoFundMe, or Text2Give?
- What makes payroll deduction giving more beneficial to charities, employee donors, and employers as opposed to other donation payment methods like credit card, PayPal, and check?
- Through cross-sector efforts, how can we best showcase workplace giving to the public so it is valued as the vital mechanism for social impact that it is?
- Beyond the benefits of workplace giving as a charity fundraising mechanism, how else does workplace giving help nonprofits and employers streamline and accomplish their social impact goals? How does it benefit employee donors?
Click here to learn more and register for our upcoming webinar on March 26.