Gildan’s Eden Distribution Center Honored for its Achievements in Health & Safety

Gildan’s Distribution Center in Eden was recognized for achieving one million working hours without a lost time accident during North Carolina’s Department of Labor's annual Safety Awards ceremony. The Eden Distribution Center also received a gold award for the 7th consecutive year, which recognizes businesses which have an accident frequency rate of at least 50% below the national industry average.
Million-hour safety awards are given to firms that accumulate one million employee hours with no case of injury or illness involving days away from work. Gildan’s Distribution Center in Eden has received this special recognition during the period from November 6, 2016 to February 9, 2018. This is the third time the center is recognized for achieving one million man-hours worked without a lost time accident since 2011.
To achieve this level of safety performance, the distribution center has put in place a structured safety program of training including auditing and equipment checklists and non-negotiable operator requirements. Gildan also encourages employees’ efforts in their pursuit of safety excellence by offering them a quarterly bonus of 30% based on the facility’s performance against Lost Time Accidents and OSHA Recordable Accidents. Annual Safety Bowls are held where teams compete to achieve EH&S performance targets for the chance to win time off work.
The North Carolina Department of Labor Safety Awards Program recognizes private firms and public agencies throughout the state that achieve and maintain outstanding safety records. The program is designed to stimulate interest in accident prevention and to promote safety in the workplace by providing an incentive to employers and employees to maintain a safe and healthful workplace.