GM’s Opel Plant in Spain Receives CSR Award
As we get ready to release our 2012 sustainability report, we want to recognize our colleagues at GM España for receiving the Aragonese Corporate Social Responsibility Award for their environmental advances at the Opel plant in Aragon.
The award, first given in 2004 by the Government of Aragon, recognizes companies that demonstrate daily their commitment to social responsibility.
The award honors Opel specifically for:
- Deep roots in Aragon, based on labor and economic importance
- Company policy with a strong concern for people
- Passion for quality
- Focus on security and the environment
- Publication of its first sustainability report in 2012 (GRI-Qualification A)
- Certifications in environmental labor and quality management
Receiving the Aragonese Corporate Social Responsibility Award publically recognizes the social, environmental and economic work GM España has been developing since its beginnings.
Last year, GM Espana published its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report outlining the company’s policies and practices and its commitment to environmental improvement and ethics. Since then, the facility took on various other initiatives, including signing the Charter of Diversity, as well as an agreement with the Spanish Association Against Cancer.
This award fills us with excitement and satisfaction, and encourages us to move forward in the way of CSR, sharing our sustainable management experience with society,” said Antonio Cobo, GM Espana’s managing director.