Governance at the Speed of Light
by Linda Crompton, President and CEO of BoardSource

Transformative Governance - Insights on Nonprofit Board Service by Linda Crompt…
I have written here before about the importance of technology to the governance field – how technology is changing the way we govern. Every day we see new implications for leadership. In particular, the dominant presence of technology in younger people’s lives means that as young people begin to serve on boards, organizations will have no choice but to adapt.
The social network alone is having an inescapable impact in terms of how organizations communicate with others – links to Facebook, Twitter, and many others are essential. On that point, have you noticed our BoardSource group on LinkedIn? If you haven’t joined it, you should – it’s fascinating. (Ed. Note: You must first join LinkedIn, then join the group titled “BoardSource.”) A recent group conversation had the participants engaging in a lively discussion on – ahem – “Should we abolish the board?” Governance doesn’t get any more transformative than that! The comments have ranged from anger and frustration at disaffected and disengaged boards to criticism of CEOs who don’t want to endure oversight on their decisions or be bothered with developing the board. In between are lots of ideas and recommendations about how to effectively engage directors or trustees. Every once in a while, someone mentions the reality that boards are a legal necessity and that abolishing them could mean the end of the organization itself.Continue reading Linda's Crompton's blog post here...
BoardSource is dedicated to advancing the public good by building exceptional nonprofit boards and inspiring board service. BoardSource strives to support and promote excellence in board service, is the premier source of cutting-edge thinking and resources related to nonprofit boards, and engages and develops the next generation of board leaders.