Green Affordable Housing Matters to Old Mutual
From the Old Mutual Positive Futures Plan 2015

“Green affordable housing integrates social and environmental sustainability imperatives providing access to better quality homes with lower running costs for lower middle income groups” - Manie Annandale Head of Affordable Housing Development Finance, Nedbank.
Cape Town, South Africa Building for the future:
By the end of 2015, Old Mutual had invested R10.2 billion in affordable housing projects. Our Housing Impact Fund South Africa (HIFSA) aims to address the housing backlog in the affordable income segment of the market. The fund finances the construction of homes for sale and rent that are affordable to the lower to middle income markets. During the year, Nedbank also facilitated the provision of over 4,000 new homes. This includes their agreement with the Green Fund – delivering funding for 400 affordable energy and water efficient houses in South Africa.
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