Green Girls Visit NY1
Time Warner Cable's NY1 station hosts City Parks Foundation's Green Girls

On July 23, 2014, Time Warner Cable, the City Parks Foundation, and the Green Team at Time Warner Cable News NY 1 news channel partnered to bring 30 energetic young women to the NY1 studios as part of the Green Girls summer program. After recently studying how STEM concepts and digital media relate, getting a behind the scenes peek at the NY1 news room was the perfect real world counterpart. The tour was led by NY1 news anchor and Green Team Captain, Bree Driscoll, who explained every step of the life cycle of a news story. Anchor of NY1 Noticias, Adhemar Montagne, was also able to meet with the Green Girls to explain the importance of diversity and inclusion in the news. Next, the girls learned how NY1 uses technology to find news stories through sources like police radios and twitter. The Green Girls also got the chance to get in front of the camera with Jeanine Ramirez, NY1 anchor for Brooklyn, who explained how the robotic cameras and Teleprompters work in order to keep her informed of all the latest updates while she is reporting on air. The girls also got to watch the producers hard at work in the control rooms monitoring floor to ceiling televisions while pushing buttons, swiveling nobs and pulling levers to make sure TWC customers get the quality they expect from NY1. Seeing how integrated STEM skills are into such an exciting career got all the Green Girls focused on STEM so they would each be ready for their close up!
Click here for the full story about these young women in the Green Girls program