Is Green Here to Stay?
Apr 1, 2010 12:25 PM ET
As a sustainability consultant, I am privy to the skepticism offered by others on the topic, "Is green here to stay?" Fortunately, there are reports and information indicating evidence that not only is green or sustainable business here to stay, but that adopting sustainability concepts in business operations is an essential element of successful businesses going forward.
According to Environmental Leader, the 2009 Cone Consumer Environmental Survey indicated that despite the state of the economy, 34 percent of American consumers indicate they are more likely to buy environmentally responsible products today, and another 44 percent indicate their environmental shopping habits have not changed as a result of the economy. In addition, 70 percent of Americans indicate that they are paying attention to what companies are doing with regard to the environment today, even if they cannot buy until the future. Click here to continue reading.TAIGA5708
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