GRI Standards Now Available in Spanish
Mar 26, 2019 11:00 AM ET

Global Reporting Initiative are delighted that we can now offer the latest GRI Standards in Spanish. Organizations who report in Spanish can download GRI 303: Agua y efluentes 2018 and GRI 403: Salud y seguridad en el trabajo 2018 on the GRI website.
Those who are reporting on the topics of GRI 303 or GRI 403 for the first time are advised to adopt the new Standards for their reports.
For those who are already reporting on these topics, the 2016 versions of GRI 303 and GRI 403 can continue to be used for reports or other materials published on or before 31 December 2020.
The translation was carried out by Language Scientific and was peer reviewed by the following experts:- Jaime Moncada, Natural Capital Director, Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CECODES), Colombia, presidente
- Jorge Reyes Iturbide, Director, IDEARSE Center for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico, Chair of the Peer Review Committee
- Laura Pujol Giménez, Director, International Association of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Customs and Logistics, Spain
- Paul D. Maidstone, Corporate Director of Environmental Affairs, Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO), Chile