GRI Standards Report Registration System Now Available

The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) and the GRI Standards Division are pleased to announce the launch of the GRI Standards Report Registration System.
This new tool allows users to notify GRI of the use of the GRI Standards, as required in clause 3.4 of GRI 101: Foundation. As such, it fulfills the requirements allowing the preparer to make the claim that the report or published material has been prepared in accordance with, or referencing, the GRI Standards.
Submitting your report information with this tool will allow you to create an account for your organization’s GRI Standards reports now and in the future, and to share them easily in our online report repository.
To submit your report via the GRI Standards Report Registration System, please follow the instructions outlined below. After filling out your information and submitting the report you will be asked to verify the report via an email link. The report will then be published in due course on the public List of GRI Standards Reports and the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database.
If you have questions or require assistance uploading your GRI Standards report, please do not hesitate to contact the GRI Standards Division at
Instructions for uploading a GRI Standards report or material via the GRI Standards Report Registration System:
- If you currently have a GRI user ID, please log in:
- If you are connected to the correct organization you will be redirected to the reports list. Please click the report title in the reports list to verify the report.
- If are not already connected to the correct organization, you will be prompted to connect to or create the organization and register a report. On the Register a new report page, input the correct publication year to edit the existing report details and register the report.
- If you don’t have a GRI user ID: please create one and ensure that you connect to the correct organization. You will be prompted to register a report. On the Register a new report page, input the correct publication year to edit the existing report details and register the report.
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