Guest Post: The Lazy Fundraiser's Guide to Raising Six Figures This Fall

Get started with cause marketing from the comfort of your beach towel or chair. You'll raise six-figures in September!
I’ve been relaxing in my garden.
It's been a busy year and I'm looking forward to just hanging out - and gardening - in July and August.
I’m sure you're planning your own downtime.
But I bet you're thinking of September and all that money you have to raise from businesses. I know, the boss is on your back and it's only July. I used to have a boss, too, you know. I remember the drill.
But here's something the boss won't tell you: relax, chill. I got your back.
In this post, I'll guide you to six-figure success this fall.
Let's get started by laying the groundwork of what cause marketing is (aka fundraising with businesses).
Defining Cause Marketing (aka Fundraising with Businesses)
This post I wrote for Hubspot will explain what cause marketing is and why businesses are putting it front and center in their marketing mix.
You should also read this post on why you should forget traditional corporate giving altogether and focus on individual giving instead.
Believe me, I'm not telling you to turn your back on businesses. But I am saying there are better places to look for money from businesses than applying for corporate grants.
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