Guest Post: Renewables Policy: "EU Can Learn from the US"

Jul 1, 2013 6:30 PM ET
Campaign: 3BL Blogs
Renewables Policy: "EU can learn from the US"


Leading environment journalist, Sonja van Renssen, is joined by Richard Cowart, Director of the European programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), to discuss renewables policy.

Since the economic crisis began the climate agenda has struggle in the EU, but renewables have always had lots of other arguments for them – jobs and growth, for example. Richard Cowartenumerates three lessons from which the EU could learn from the US regarding renewables policy.

“Right now we don’t send that price signal at all, we give the same renewables support wherever you are located.”

“EU can learn from the US on renewables policy”, says Richard Cowart

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*This post originally appeared on ViEUws