Hall of Fame Quarterback Steve Young Teams up With Aflac for Children’s Hospitals Week

Special thanks to Hall of Fame Quarterback Steve Young, who joined the Aflac Duck at Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Children’s Hospitals Week in Orlando, Florida, to raise awareness for children’s hospitals and celebrate My Special Aflac Duck®, a robot designed to help children cope with cancer. Steve has been a major supporter of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for more than 30 years.
To learn more about the Aflac Childhood Cancer Campaign™ and My Special Aflac Duck, please go to www. aflacchildhoodcancer.org/partners.
About Aflac
Aflac (NYSE:AFL)is a Fortune 500 company, providing financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide. When a policyholder or insured gets sick or hurt, Aflac pays cash benefits fairly, promptly and directly to the insured. For more than six decades, Aflac supplemental insurance policies have given policyholders the opportunity to focus on recovery, not financial stress.
To learn more about Aflac, visit the company's website.