Handprints of Hope - Raising Awareness of Childhood Malnutrition
At Amway, our mission is to help people live better lives and reach their full potential.

Handprints of Hope: Amway's Global Anwers to Childhood Malnutrition- Little Bits
A handprint. It can mean so many things to so many people, but for us it represents hope.
At Amway, our mission is to help people live better lives and reach their full potential. Unfortunately, many struggle even to get the basic necessities, like proper nutrition. After 80 years of being in the business of health and wellness, and as the world’s number one selling brand of vitamins and dietary supplements, Nutrilite is well equipped to make improved health become a reality for others.
We’re making a stand: Amway is initiating a global fight against childhood malnutrition. According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is the underlying cause of preventable death for more than 3.1 million children under age 5 each year. Our efforts include two important components – a nutrient supplement and a plan to deliver it to families around the world.
Our scientists developed NUTRILITE Little Bits, a one-gram nutrient powder packet containing 15 vitamins and minerals that can be mixed into children’s food. It’s plant-based, odorless and tasteless. It helps children ages 6 months to 5 years grow into healthier adults. Little Bits is added to malnourished children’s food once a day, and studies have shown results in as little as 6 months.
How will we get it to families? Through the Nutrilite Power of 5 Campaign, intended to build awareness and raise funds for the distribution of Little Bits. We are partnering with CARE and other humanitarian organizations to add Little Bits to existing programs that provide food provisions as well as education and evaluation of children’s health progress. The Power of 5 can improve the lives of thousands of children and families in 17 countries.
Why the Power of 5? Learn more at Nutrilite.com/LittleBits and take the first step in raising your hand to fight childhood malnutrition. We need your help!
You can get involved by donating and taking part in one of the many Raise Your Hand to Fight Childhood Malnutrition events around the world. Check with your local Amway affiliates to find out when an event is coming to your area. Then, encourage everyone you know to join the fight. Together, we can help little kids accomplish big goals and live much better lives!
—Written by Jeff Terry, global manager of corporate social responsibility at Amway.