Have You Set Tech Ground Rules For Your Kids?
NortonLifeLock, National PTA and The Smart Talk can help
NortonLifeLock Blog | Corporate Responsibility
Do the kids you care for know how to disable location tracking on all of their apps? Do they know their limit on screen time? Do your children understand that anything posted or shared on social media can be saved by screenshots even if they delete it?
Raising children in the age of smartphones and social media brings new challenges and concerns for all families. Parents and caregivers today, dealing with virtual school and increased online interactions, are facing ever-expanding and ever-evolving online dangers.
National PTA has been a partner to parents on digital parenting topics, connecting parents with tools, research and support on issues that are on the minds of today’s families. NortonLifeLock partners with National PTA to help families create an open, evolving conversation about digital technology’s role in our everyday lives. Together, we created the The Smart Talk, a free, fun, interactive resource that brings caregivers and kids together to create tech ground rules.
Go to thesmarttalk.org with your kid by your side and we’ll ask you a few questions to answer together. Some will help you agree on healthy limits. Some of the questions are meant to be conversation starters, so you can more easily discuss online safety and privacy issues. We even ask a couple of extra-credit questions to make this a more customized experience. When you’re done, you’ll have a personalized, official family agreement that you and your kid can feel good about.
Just print it out, sign it and put it on the fridge for everyone to see.
This week, our team will be joining National PTA’s first-ever virtual Convention. To stay safe, this year’s convention will be held online and that means you can participate from anywhere in the world! With engaging keynote and educational sessions on trends and issues affecting today’s children (like digital safety!), parents, PTA leaders, and educators are invited to be inspired by mission-minded peers and experts.
Learn more at PTA.org/Convention and via #PTAConLive20 on social media.