How CEOs Talk About the Long-Term
by Brian Tomlinson, Research Director, Strategic Investor Initiative, CECP

As originally posted on the CECP Insights Blog
When presenting to investors, CEOs need to go deeper than just telling a good marketing story. Institutional investors want to hear more from CEOs about how they are positioning their company to succeed in the long-term. CEOs need to demonstrate that the company’s leadership understands how long-term issues impact value creation and has developed a strategy to mitigate risks and ensure sustainable business practices.
The problem we currently face is that the existing marketplace for investor information is oriented to the short-term. There’s an opportunity to decrease the information asymmetry between corporations and investors by increasing the amount and quality of long-term focused disclosures.
In our white paper Emerging Practice in Long-Term Plans, we draw out key themes that CEOs have addressed in their long-term plan presentations delivered at CEO Investor Forums convened by the Strategic Investor Initiative.
Read the full paper here: