HP Inc.'s 2018 Sustainable Impact Report

Read HP Inc.'s 2018 Sustainable Impact Report here
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere—every person, every organization, and every community around the globe.
About this report
This report includes HP’s performance data through FY2018 (which ended October 31, 2018), unless stated otherwise. It also describes HP’s Sustainable Impact policies, programs, and goals.
The information in this report is current as of the date of its initial publication. The report has not been updated to reflect any changes since that date, including any changes to HP’s business or strategy. HP assumes no obligation and does not intend to update this report to reflect any such changes.
The performance data in this report covers 100% of HP’s global business operations and/or revenue, as of HP’s most recently completed fiscal year, unless stated otherwise. All references to years are to HP’s fiscal year, which ends October 31, 2018, unless stated otherwise. All references to dollars are to U.S. dollars.