HP Living Progress Report: New Name, Better Future
by Gabi Zedlmayer

June 3, 2014, marks an exciting milestone for HP. Today we published our newly named HP 2013 Living Progress Report.
And it’s just one part of a big week of activities intended to drive creative thinking, conversation, debate and, ultimately, solutions that contribute to HP Living Progress, our framework for thinking about how we do business to create a better future for everyone through our actions and innovations.
Lucky 13
This is the 13th year we’ve published an HP citizenship report. What makes this a milestone moment, besides the new name, is that this report reflects our integrated approach to business that advances human, economic and environmental impact.
We’ve long been among the global leaders of good corporate citizenship, making it one of our seven corporate objectives nearly six decades ago. But we recognize that in order to scale solutions and have a true impact in the world, citizenship can’t just align with our business strategy—it has to be one with our strategy. That’s what the Living Progress framework does.
Recently, Corporate Register awarded us top honors with their CR Reporting Awards for Best Carbon Disclosure. The award recognized the publishing of our full carbon footprint in our HP 2012 Global Citizenship Report. We were among the first companies worldwide to disclose this level of information. With our new HP 2013 Living Progress Report, we’ve raised the bar again, sharing our comprehensive water footprint.
Having this level of understanding about the carbon and water impacts of our business helps us make more deliberate choices about how we operate, manage our supply chain, and innovate our products and solutions. This is just one of the ways we can help drive environmental progress for ourselves, our customers, and our supply chain partners.
The report is packed with other examples of how we challenge ourselves and others to do more to simultaneously advance the health and well-being of people, help businesses and economies thrive, and make the environment stronger as we grow. Because we know that when we do all three, that’s when we achieve true living progress.
Calling all creative thinkers
That brings me to the other reason I’m excited about today—it’s the first day of the HP Living Progress Exchange at the Sustainable Brands 2014 conference in San Diego. For the next three days, thought leaders from companies, non-governmental organizations, and leading consultancies will gather in the HP Living Progress Exchange, a glass room located in the center of the conference expo area, to explore solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. We’ll be tweeting live from the HP Living Progress Exchange daily @hplivingprog.
Tomorrow, June 4, at 8 a.m. Pacific time, live from the HP Living Progress Exchange, we’ll be hosting a Twitter chat with leading sustainability and social responsibility media organizations, Triple Pundit and CSR Wire,. Chris Librie, Senior Director, Strategy and Communications, HP Corporate Affairs, will be discussing “What Happens if Citizenship is Integrated with your Business Strategy?” including how it affects the innovation agenda, the supply chain and employee engagement. Visit http://bit.ly/livingprogress for details and registration information.
We know the power of creative thinking and technology can transform lives, energize businesses, and empower communities. So we’re asking you to bring your creativity, contribute to the conversation, and join us in creating a better future for everyone.
Follow our progress at @hplivingprog, and share your creative ideas on Twitter at #livingprogress.