Huggies and Plunket Encourage New Zealand Families to Make Time for Hugs

Growing international research points to the importance of hugs in babies’ development, with benefits such as lowering their heart rate, helping them relax and encouraging brain development, while also creating a bond between mums and dads and their babies. This is the power of hugs that Huggies Nappies and Plunket, New Zealand’s largest provider of services to support the health and development of children under five, believe in.
Huggies has partnered with Plunket to bring a simple yet important message to New Zealanders to Make Time for Hugs. Capturing the everyday moving emotional connections between mum, dad, grandparent, sibling, aunt, and baby of real New Zealand families, the campaign highlights the deep and lasting benefits of hugs to a child’s development and wellbeing.
Plunket nurse Katrina Coleman, who is featured in the campaign, explains that there are about 167 babies born every day in New Zealand and Plunket nurses see over 90% of them. Along with many other Plunket nurses, Katrina observes that young parents’ lives are busy these days, so it is important for families to intentionally ‘make time’ to ensure the natural part of bonding from a hug is taking place in the family home.
“It’s important to hug your baby and to remind parents that it’s okay, in this busy world, to stop and just enjoy hugging and holding your baby, that it’s of real worth and value.
“I think this message is really positive because nobody can dispute, regardless of what your parenting philosophy might be, the fact that hugs are really important to your children,” says Katrina.
Plunket says that hugs and loving touch are a vital support for babies’ healthy brain development.“Hugs are a powerful way to let babies and children know they are safe and protected. They help them learn they are valued and loved and that someone is there for them. This is a great way to help them adjust and adapt to the world in which they are born," says Brigid Wilkinson, National Advisor Parenting Development for Plunket.
For more than a century Plunket has been dedicated to working with parents and communities to ensure children in New Zealand get the best start in life. Huggies has been Plunket’s sponsor partner for almost 25 years, sharing the same belief in providing the best care for baby. Huggies products are the only brand to receive Plunket’s endorsement.