IBLF Launches the Partnership Brokers Association

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) January 19, 2012 -The not-for-profit company is the professional body for those operating on the front line, brokering partnerships between business, government and civil society for a more sustainable world. The Association is focused on training, action-research and advocacy.
In 2003, the IBLF together with the UK’s Overseas Development Institute established the first formal training for partnership brokers. In 2008, IBLF took over sole management of this highly successful initiative.
In 2011, it became clear that with more than 700 graduates of the basic training programme operating in many different types of organisations, countries and contexts, the time was right to establish a professional organisation for partnership brokers.
Ros Tennyson, co-founder of the original programme and director of the project since 2003 says: "I cannot think of any other organisation in the world that could have provided such an enabling environment for this work to flourish. By providing a ‘safe space’ for the journey from idea to reality, IBLF has shown itself, yet again, to be ahead of the evidence and entirely generous in its approach. "
Since 2003, more than 700 individuals have completed the basic partnership brokers training course with more than 250 going on to qualify as accredited partnership brokers. Several organisations have sent significant numbers of their staff through the course – including AusAID, CARE International, Nike, Rio Tinto, Shell, World Vision. Other organisations have commissioned partnership brokers training for their employees and / or partnerships, including: Africa Development Bank, GTZ, Microsoft, Newmont, and the government of Newfoundland & Labradour.The momentum of this work has grown exponentially, and to meet the growing demand, the Partnership Brokers Association has been launched to promote partnership brokering and to support partnership brokers worldwide.
About IBLF The International Business Leaders Forum is a global members organisation founded in 1990 and working with leading companies on the responsible business, leadership and growth agenda. IBLF20275