Ideas for an Eco Friendly Memorial Day

May 21, 2010 3:35 PM ET

Taiga Company Blog

Want to go green but just don't know where to start?  Why not host a Memorial Day party to celebrate the day and introduce friends, co workers, neighbors, and family to sustainability concepts to go green!

In our sustainability consulting with individuals, we offer fun challenges to our clients to see how many green things they can embrace in building a sustainable lifestyle.   Holidays are a fun way to "kick start" a sustainability program and also spark the green enthusiasm in others.    Planning a party?
  • Kick your party off before it even starts with eco awareness in your party planning.   Pingg is an event management site that not only allows you to create customized invitations, but it also offers options to send them via text, face book, email, and more.  Another option is to use Evite.  Both are great ways to integrate the sustainability concept of paperless  into your party planning.

  • Do you need to mow the lawn to make your yard look beautiful? Check out 12 Steps to Eco Friendly lawn care

  • When entertaining your guests, use glassware. If that's not an option, extend eco awareness into your party by using compostable plates and utensils

  • Set up convenient recycling bins for glass and paper and serve organic and locally grown food.  

  • Is BBQ on the menu? Check out Green BBQ tips for BBQ

  • When it's time to clean up, remember to use biodegradable plastic trash bags and cleaners with eco awareness.

Click here for more ideas.

Home to one third of the earth's trees, the Taiga is the largest land-based biosphere and encircles the globe. Its immense oxygen production literally changes the atmosphere and refreshes the planet. It is this continuous renewal that has shaped Taiga Company's vision to drive similar change in the business world. Taiga Company seeks to be the "oxygen for your business".