Important Work for Washington Policymakers (and Giving Back to the Community)
by Gina Adams, Corporate Vice President of Government Affairs, FedEx Corporation

It is essential Congress act soon to overhaul our cumbersome corporate tax code –the least competitive and most complex in the developed world. We must lower corporate tax rates in order to spur capital investment, productivity, and create jobs. Policymakers of all political stripes agree something must be done to lower corporate taxes, and now is the time.
We also hope lawmakers will approve a key transportation initiative that will make it possible to move more goods across the country with less. Raising the national minimum length for twin truck trailers from 28 feet to 33 feet will allow FedEx to move volume more efficiently. That will cut down the number of trips, save fuel, lower emissions, and increase highway safety.
At the same time, there are three exciting new free trade agreements being negotiated that will be particularly helpful in boosting our economy. Finalizing these agreements with key Asian nations and the EU will reduce burdensome regulations, streamline customs and security procedures, and improve the movement of goods and services around the world.
And with the approach of Fall, FedEx participates in one of my favorite events of the year – helping Washington give back to our community. On Sept. 12th, we will co-sponsor our 4th Annual Dress for Success /FedEx Congressional Suit Challenge. Dress for Success Washington, D.C. helps disadvantaged women find jobs and remain employed, by, among other things, providing professional clothing to help them succeed in job interviews and the workplace. This is a cornerstone project for FedEx and for me, and together we have collected more than 4,600 items.
While there is much work to be done, we hope Washington will make these key initiatives a priority so that the Fall is a productive time to help our economy and country advance.