Ingersoll Rand Meets Department of Energy's Better Plants Goal
2015 Annual Report Sustainability Supplement

Working Together for Enduring Results | 2015 Annual Report
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings, Better Plants Program is working with leading manufacturers to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector. Participating companies set a specific goal, typically to reduce energy intensity 25 percent over a 10-year period across all their U.S. operations. Ingersoll Rand met its goal in 2015, improving energy intensity 26 percent over four years across 36 U.S. facilities.
About Ingersoll Rand
Ingersoll Rand (NYSE:IR) advances the quality of life by creating comfortable, sustainable and efficient environments. Our people and our family of brands — including Club Car®, Ingersoll Rand®, Thermo King® and Trane® — work together to enhance the quality and comfort of air in homes and buildings; transport and protect food and perishables; and increase industrial productivity and efficiency. We are a $13 billion global business committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring results. For more information, visit