Integrating Human Rights Due Diligence into Corporate Risk Management Processes
This is a comprehensive guide focused on integrating human rights due diligence into corporate risk management processes.
Apr 24, 2012 2:00 PM ET

(3BL Media) April 24, 2012 - This publication is a comprehensive guide focused on integrating human rights due diligence into corporate risk management processes. It introduces and explains what is meant by human rights due diligence and the central role it plays in delivering on the corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
The guide aims to assist mining companies in reviewing their existing risk management processes, identifying how they can build on them to ensure they are adequately addressing human rights and whether their existing processes are consistent with the UN Guiding Principles. A range of the available tools on risk management and aspects of human rights due diligence are introduced within and the tools are supported by a number of industry-related case studies. The studies focus on practices such as the use of global employee surveys, conflict assessment and effective stakeholder engagement. Please follow this link to download the guide: