Introducing the 2021 Porter Novelli Focus: Gen Z & Justice.

Introducing the 2021 Porter Novelli Focus: Gen Z & Justice.
While traditionally defined as more pragmatic and rational than their Millennial peers, Gen Zers came onto the scene a handful of years ago with an energy, enthusiasm and a demand for the world to acknowledge that change needs to happen – and fast. Yet, the passionate generation was thrusted into a new series of increasingly urgent crises – from a global pandemic to calls for racial justice in the United States. Now, Gen Z’s trust in institutions has waned. Organizations must be willing to go above and beyond to bring them into the fold – and create the impact they so desperately seek.
Introducing the 2021 Porter Novelli Focus: Gen Z & Justice.
Key Findings include:
- 64% of Gen Z believes companies have a role to play in addressing social justice issues (vs. 66% Gen Pop)
- 50% has done research to see what companies have done to make progress against the commitments they made to social justice issues over the past year (vs. 45% Gen Pop)
- 68% says a company doesn’t have to be perfect when talking about social justice issues, but it should be open and honest (vs. 76% Gen Pop)
- 64% are more likely to say they would want to work for a company that is speaking up for or addressing social justice issues (vs. 59% Gen Pop)
When it comes to company engagement in social justice, Gen Zers are less inspired by words, but motivated by action. They’re willing to do their homework but slightly less willing to forgive a corporate misstep. And as this generation moves into the workforce, they are strongly considering a company’s approach to social justice and are even willing to leave a current job if they feel their employer hasn’t done enough to address these issues. As Gen Z represents 67 million individuals today, with the oldest segment aged at 25, this is a portion of the population business leaders must recognize and prepare for. After all, they’re already paying attention to you. So, are you ready for Z?
Download the full infographic here.