Jane Madden Weighs in on the Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

Jane Madden Weighs in on the Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
Jane Madden, Managing Director and Head of U.S. Corporate Responsibility, contributed to an article in the October issue of Chief Executive magazine about the business benefits of prioritizing social change.
The article, “Lessons in Good Giving: Why Companies Are Aligning Social Change with the Corporate Mission,” discusses connections between giving back to the community and business growth.
Jane believes the outperformance of socially responsible companies isn’t so much about investors rewarding companies for their good deeds as much as it is that companies that invest in the environment and communities make better strategic decisions. She says, “If you are measuring and managing your environment, including social and governance impact, you’re just a smarter company. You’re minimizing risk and maximizing opportunity and that has a definite positive impact on the bottom line.”
Original article available on Chief Executive: Read more about lessons in good giving here.