Kroger, Walmart, Albertsons Among Top Grocers Supporting Ethical Charter for Produce Industry

Jul 17, 2018 12:35 PM ET
Campaign: Products We Sell

Originally published on Progressive Grocer

A new framework for responsible practices in fresh produce and floral supply chains has been unveiled in a joint partnership between the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and United Fresh Produce Association, and several of the industry's top grocers have voiced their support for the undertaking.

The Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices was conceived two years ago to create “an industry-wide framework that supports the dignity of workers who are critical in bringing fresh fruits, vegetables and floral products to consumers,” according to the trade organizations. The associations’ boards approved the charter in January, with more than 40 companies formally endorsing it, including such top grocers as Albertsons, Costco, Kroger, Sam’s Club, Walmart and Wegmans, as well as numerous suppliers of fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.

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