Lansing Plant Earns Environmental Leadership Award

We all produce garbage. Every single one of us. Especially large companies.
But what separates the regular from the superstars is how hard some of these companies work to reduce the amount of waste they generate and send to landfills.
If you’ve been following our blog, you should know by now that we like to talk about how we, as a company, reuse and recycle more waste than any other automaker.
Sometimes we talk metal pallets. Other times, it’s oily sludge. And, of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about duck boxes.
But what gets us really excited is when we share the good news about our plants, because they are the doers. The shakers. They take our lessons and best practices and put them to good use.
Today, we are happy to recognize Lansing Delta Township for earning the Tri-County Environmental Leadership Award, which recognizes the extraordinary measures companies take to reduce waste, conserve energy and water, and give back to the community.
“Our actions are dedicated to making the tri-county area a healthy and sustainable place to live,” said Jeff Hummel, senior environmental engineer at the facility. “Through conservation and community engagement, we share our best practices where all of us live and work.”
Here are some of the ways LDT has worked with the community over the past year:
- Developed a partnership with Eaton County Resource and Recovery by donating $2,000 and volunteering to help community members and employees dispose of household hazardous waste. The donation funded the cost of recycling 2,000 tires.
- Participated in the Potter Park Arbor Day Celebration and MSU Children’s Water Festival mentoring students on water conservation.
- Provided materials to St. Johns Boy Scout Troop 520 to build 19 migratory bird nest boxes.
- Partnered with Lansing Adventist School and Michigan Duck Hunters Association (MDHA), and built six wood duck nest boxes by reusing Chevrolet Volt battery covers, which were donated to MDHA and Eaton County Pheasants Forever.
LDT has demonstrated environmental leadership by sharing resources and time, and educating community members.
That’s why they are being recognized for this achievement.