Last Call for Nominations for CR Magazine’s CEO of the Year 2014 – Deadline is Friday
Help CR Magazine honor the CEOs who delivered on the Corporate Responsibility promises over the past year!

Each year since 2008, CR Magazine has awarded the prestigious Responsible CEO of the Year Award, presented to deserving CEOs — from companies, NGOs, and governments — who, during the previous year, put themselves at personal and professional risk in order to deliver on corporate responsibility promises. This annual award is unique among business honors because it recognizes how individual CEOs have aligned their organization’s interests with that of thousands of stakeholders to do well by doing good and acknowledges leadership in progress, since corporate responsibility represents a discipline that is ever to be improved upon.
In 2011, CR Magazine announced the addition of the Corporate Responsibility Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize an individual whose risk-taking, vision and pioneering spirit have led to significant achievement in the Corporate Responsibility field over the course of their career. All award winners are nominated by fellow members of the CR community and selected by an independent panel of judges composed of previous winners and other recognized leaders.
Award recipients are honored at CR Magazine’s Responsible CEO of the Year Awards Dinner during the COMMIT!Forum each year, scheduled for Thursday, October 9, 2014 in New York City from 6-9:30PM.
The deadline for nominations is this Friday, June 13, 2014. The online nominations form is made available on the COMMIT!Forum website along with Information on Nominations and Evaluation Criteria.
To watch last year's highlight reel, please click here
For more information about the awards, please contact Heather Nielsen at 215.606.9529.