Last Call: Weigh In on Social Innovation Trends
Take the survey and you could win a seat at the Shared Value Leadership Summit in New York.

New Research: Top Trends in Shared Value
It's been five years since the publication of the Harvard Business Review article, "Creating Shared Value" by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer in January 2011. The world has changed – Occupy Wall Street, Asian Haze, and Rana Plaza, but also the rise of the B Corp Movement, global commitment to the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, and COP21. The global and local context for business is demonstrating more than ever that shared value creation is critical to the future of business and society. We know it is happening in countries like South Africa, Colombia, Australia, India, and the United States, led by companies in healthcare, consumer products, banking, and manufacturing. But we have yet to tell the collective story of where and how shared value is being created around the world. Until now.
Global Trends in Shared Value is a new resource that will tell the collective story of shared value in practice – across sectors and geological boundaries – over the last five years. New research, stories, and tools from the field will shed light on how the role of business in society is changing and, in particular, how shared value is contributing to greater social impact and business value creation. This spring, we will be collecting stories and research on shared value’s momentum, practice, and results. This month, we are excited to launch the research phase, and in order to bring about representative perspectives from different regions and industries, we need your help.
We invite the shared value community to participate in our global survey to contribute to a forthcoming Global Trends online platform. Please take a few minutes to tell us about your observations and experience with the shared value concept, its practice, and impact. All those who complete the survey by March 11th will be entered in a drawing to win a free registration to the Shared Value Leadership Summit on May 10-11, 2016 in New York.
This is an exciting moment to highlight the progress we’ve made as a movement. We hope you will join us in bringing Global Trends in Shared Value to the field later this year at the Shared Value Leadership Summit.