Leading Companies in Mexico Proposing Solutions to Water Use Challenges

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April 25, 2019 /3BL Media/ - Yesterday, a group of leading companies convened by CESPEDES and The World Environment Center with sponsorship of Dow Chemical, ECOLAB and Coca-Cola FEMSA, gathered to share best practices and initiatives to address challenges for sustainable water management, calling to action to accelerate partnerships between private sector, civil society and governments to guarantee water access in safe conditions for everyone.
During the forum, participant companies shared their challenges and learnings while implementing projects to optimize processes for responsible use of water and all coincided in the importance of generating company commitments under the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate initiative.
Among best practices, ECOLAB presented the “Smart Water Navigator” a tool to self-assess and develop plans for continuous improvement facilitating companies to improve water management and stewardship practices, assess water risk, determine their place on a water maturity curve, and find necessary steps to get water-smart.
Additionally, participating companies agreed on the need to foster conservation initiatives to protect watersheds through multisector programs such as “Water Funds”, highlighting the recently launched fund “Agua Capital”, a social investment with participation of CitiBanamex, HSBC, Mexichem, Grupo Modelo, and Coca-Cola FEMSA, oriented to the conservation of water resources in the Mexico City area.
“Individual and collective actions will be required to address the water stress crisis; partnerships with the public sector and civil society and through the supply chain, as well as with relevant international organizations, will be critical to address water sustainability issues and policies. Together we can make a difference,” said Lori Michelin, President & CEO of the World Environment Center (WEC).
On this regard, Jason Morrison, Head of the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate highlighted “the international business community can play a compelling role to help reduce the lack of access to clean water and sanitation in many parts of the world. Companies can create opportunities for improvement and innovation having a direct impact on water management in their own business, as well as an indirect impact by encouraging and facilitating actions by those in their supply chains to improve water management.”
Isabel Studer, Director of Strategic Partnerships for Latin America from The Nature Conservancy commented, “It is very important to continue generating alliances to promote nature-based solutions as part of a comprehensive agenda that addresses all water challenges that Mexico faces particularly in a context of climate change”
José Ramón Ardavín, Executive Director of CESPEDES added, “In many countries around the world including Mexico, basic issues of water governance and public policy remain to be resolved and are fundamental to making progress in water management”. Mr. Ardavín also highlighted “the private sector has a strong responsibility in contributing with recommendations for the integration of public policy and the creation of collective solutions to drive the water sustainability agenda.”
About World Environment Center
World Environment Center is an independent, global non-profit, non-advocacy organization that advances sustainable development through the business practices and operations of its member companies and in partnership with governments, multi-lateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities and other stakeholders. WEC’s mission is to accelerate sustainability solutions through innovation, thought leadership and public-private collaboration. It manages projects for companies across their global operations, builds executive-level learning and competency in applying sustainable development across a number of business sectors, and recognizes performance excellence through an annual awards program. WEC is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with regional offices in China, El Salvador and Germany.
La Comisión de Estudios del Sector Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable (CESPEDES) fue fundada en 1994 por empresarios mexicanos para enfrentar los retos en materia de desarrollo sustentable que planteaba la incorporación de México a los mercados globales; OMC (1988); TLCAN (1994); y Cumbre de la Tierra sobre Desarrollo Sustentable de las Naciones Unidas (Rio de Janeiro 1992). Se integró al Consejo Coordinador Empresarial como un centro de estudios (think-tank) del sector privado con el propósito de promover los principios del desarrollo sustentable en la comunidad empresarial, el gobierno y la sociedad en general. CESPEDES es parte de la red global del Consejo Empresarial Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible, WBCSD por sus siglas en inglés (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).