Less than a month left to vote in CRRA'10!

(3BLMedia/theCSRfeed) January 6, 2010 - It is now January and time is running out to use your votes in the third annual CR Reporting Awards - the CRRA'10! Any person with an interest in CR Reporting is encouraged to participate in the voting process.
Voting closes on January 29th, which is only about three weeks away, so now's the time to get your voice heard before it's too late.
Voting online is a simple procedure, easy to understand, and the entire process will only take a few minutes (it's reading the reports that takes time!)
The CRRA'10 solicited reports published over the last year. This year, 130 leading international reporting companies from over 40 sectors entered reports across nine categories:
• Best Overall Report
• Best First Time Report
• Best SME Report
• Best Integrated Report
• Best Carbon Disclosure
• Creativity in Communications
• Relevance & Materiality
• Openness & Honesty
• Credibility through Assurance
You may select up to 5 choices in each award category and as a `thank you' for your time, you will be entered in our Voters' Prize Draw if you vote across our 9 categories. As in previous years, 10 lucky voters will each receive GBP 250!
All interested stakeholders can find full details and place votes now on http://www.corporateregister.com/crra.
If you are not already signed up as a user on CorporateRegister.com, this can be completed free of charge and in one easy step at http://www.corporateregister.com.
For further information, please contact: Paul Scott, Corporate Register Ltd, tel. +44 (0)20 7014 33 66, email: info@corporateregister.com.