Let's Bring Living Buildings to Trinidad and Tobago

Let's Bring Living Buildings to Trinidad and Tobago
Lydia Singh is the leader of the newly emerging Trinidad and Tobago Collaborative. Below, she shares the importance of bringing Living Buildings to her home country of Trinidad and Tobago.
Growing up in the beautiful twin isle of Trinidad and Tobago was truly a blessing. The country has an abundance of natural resources: sun, sea, sand, trees and thriving ecosystems, but we continue to lack one thing—a shared vision for positive change. After a career of 10 years in engineering, construction and project management, I felt a deep desire for a change both in my work environment and career. After working in the oil and gas sector for approximately eight years (the “bread and butter” of Trinidad and Tobago’s economy), it became noticeably evident that something was missing, and this discovery began when my team and I were asked to move to another office that was closer to our customer.