Letter from Don Hall, CEO, Hallmark

J. C. Hall once said, “If a man goes into business only with the idea of making a lot of money, chances are he won’t. But if he puts service and quality first, the money will take care of itself.”
More than a century later, my grandfather’s profound sense of service continues to inspire our highest aspirations and serves as the foundation for our deeply held beliefs and values.
Whether we are creating greeting cards, gifts, family-friendly television programming or creative products and experiences for children, we do so in service to our values and to the needs of our consumers and communities around the world, large and small.
No matter the size of the community or our efforts, we are honored to be able to enrich lives in ways that multiply even the smallest acts of caring where one pebble of progress can have a ripple effect, spreading to impact the greater good.
This Social Responsibility Report includes examples of Hallmark’s caring in action, including some of the work that further enhances our workplace in addition to our community, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion initiatives, moving us closer to becoming the company that makes a genuine difference in every life, every day.
Many of the stories featured within, particularly those that illustrate our alignment with the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals that we note this year for the first time, reflect the passion of numerous Hallmark employees and partners whose dedication enables our service and elevates our belief that, “when you care enough, you can change the world.”
The world needs care now more than ever, so our work must continue. We owe it to our rich heritage of service to do more and to regard these deeds not just as our duty, but also as our great privilege.
In Hallmark’s 2018 Social Responsibility Report, the company shares how its efforts in four key areas — workplace, community, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion — help improve the lives of its employees and the communities it serves around the world.