Lloyds Banking Group Helping Britain Prosper

March 11, 2019 - Lloyds Banking Group has served Britain for more than 250 years, across every community, and millions of households. Its success is interwoven with the UK’s prosperity and it aims to Help Britain Prosper by operating as a responsible, sustainable and inclusive Group.
The Group believes it has a responsibility to help address some of the social, economic and environmental challenges that the UK faces, and manages this through the Helping Britain Prosper Plan.
“As a UK focused retail and commercial financial services company, we recognise our responsibility to help address the economic, social and environmental challenges that the UK faces. We remain fully committed to Help Britain Prosper.”
António Horta-Osório, Group Chief Executive
Launched in 2014 and revised annually, the Plan focuses on the areas in which the Group can make the biggest difference. In 2018 the Group set specific targets aligned to its 3 year strategy, stretching to 2020 and in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Plan continues to unite and inspire the Group’s colleagues and for 2019, elevated a specific sustainability metric, alongside the six existing priority metrics.
Read the full Helping Britain Prosper Plan here
Helping Britain Prosper Plan - priority metrics and targets:
Helping Britain get a home
To provide an additional £10 billion of lending to help first-time buyers in 2019, and a total of £30 billion by 2020
Helping people save for the future
To grow assets held on behalf of customers in retirement and investment products to £32 billion in 2019, and to £50 billion by 2020
Building capability and digital skills
To train an additional 600,000 individuals, SMEs and charities in digital skills, including internet banking by 2019, and a total of 1.8 million by 2020
Supporting businesses to start-up and grow
To increase the amount of net lending to start-up, SME and Mid Market businesses to £5 billion in 2019, and £6 billion in 2020
Helping the transition to a sustainable low carbon economy
The average number of homes that could be powered as a result of Lloyds Banking Group's support of UK renewable energy projects to be 5 million by 2020
Tacking social disadvantage across Britain
To support 2,500 charities annually as a result of the Group's £100 million commitment to the Group’s independent charitable Foundations
Championing Britain’s diversity
By 2020 to have 40% of senior roles held by women; 10% of all roles held by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues; and 8% of senior roles held by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues
Helping Britain Prosper Plan 2018 performance highlights - priority metrics:
- £12.4 billion lent to first-time buyers, working to make home ownership an affordable reality
- Grew the assets held on behalf of customers in retirement and investment products by £7.4 billion to help people save for the future and build financial resilience
- Working with over 50 partners, provided digital skills training to over 700,000 individuals and organisations, building capability
- Increased net lending by £3 billion to SME and Mid Market businesses to start up and grow
- Helped more than 3,000 charities through the Group's independent charitable Foundations and through colleagues’ time, direct donations, and the money given to the Foundations, which receive a share of the Group’s profits annually, invested £56m in communities to help some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in Britain
- To better reflect the diverse communities the Group serves, increased senior roles held by women to 35.3%; 9.5% of all roles held by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues; and 6.4% of senior roles held by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues
2018 Helping Britain Prosper Plan performance highlights - additional metrics:
- Delivered over £4 billion of financial support for social housing
- Supported more than 124,000 businesses to start-up
- Created more than 1,400 internal apprenticeships within the Group
- Delivered £1.5 billion of financial support to the manufacturing sector and doubled the Group's financial investment at the Lloyds Bank Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre (AMTC)
- Raised £3.8 million for the Group’s charity partner Mental Health UK
“We can only help with the unprecedented levels of change in Britain today by staying true to our purpose of Helping Britain Prosper. We believe we can make a substantial contribution to Britain’s social and economic prosperity.”
Sara Weller, Independent Director and Chairman of the Responsible Business Board Committee
For more information
Helping Britain Prosper - Our Purpose
Helping Britain Prosper Plan 2014-2018 performance
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Suvra.Datta@lloydsbanking.com +44 20 8936 5856
Emma.Fairhurst@lloydsbanking.com +44 0207 356 3585
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