Making Changes Heard Around the Pilbara

Through our partnership with Telethon Speech & Hearing, we’ve helped to significantly reduce the number of harmful ear conditions among Aboriginal children, improving school readiness and engagement across the West Pilbara.
Since our partnership began in 2011, the number of Aboriginal children under the age of seven affected by middle ear diseases in the Pilbara has dropped from 51% to 33%, an outstanding milestone that has produced meaningful impact.
Almost 9,000 screenings have been conducted through the Chevron Pilbara Ear Health Program, which provides free ear health education and services to primary school children in remote communities across the West Pilbara through the Mobile Ear Health Clinic – a purpose-built vehicle that is the only one of its kind in Australia.
"A lot of the issues in learning, a lot of the issues with behaviour are just down to the fact they can't hear the instruction properly. If we can alleviate that concern, we can alleviate and address other concerns too." - David Paine, Principal, Roebourne School
Untreated hearing loss in childhood can lead to devastating learning and behavioural difficulties later in life, often prohibiting people from living independently, gaining employment and avoiding the criminal justice system.
Indigenous Australians are among some of highest peoples in the world affected by middle ear disease, which has been referred to as ‘the missing piece of the puzzle’ in indigenous disadvantage.
Chevron Australia is committed to partnering for progress and achieving meaningful health outcomes in the communities in which we operate.