March 2015 Preview: Women’s History Month, Crop Insurance Deadline and AgDay

Read more on the Farm Credit newsroom
By Karen Macdonlad
Unless you are reading this from Florida, the view out your window, or nearby, likely includes a dusting (or more) of snow. This year’s record-breaking winter has increased hay demand and stalled the maple syrup season. And while March 1 is considered the meteorological spring in the United States, we will have to wait until March 20 to officially welcome Spring and a prelude to a bevy of planting activity as farmers work to get early crops into the ground.
The month ahead offers some welcome distractions from winter’s last gasps. March Madness and St. Patrick’s Day are on the horizon – we hope you’ll take a moment to thank America’s farmers and ranchers for their contributions in helping us celebrate these holidays and other events in our day-to-day lives.
Here’s what else is happening this month:
- March is Women’s History Month, and nowhere are women’s contributions more important than in agriculture. Women have been integral to the success of farms and ranches for centuries; today, nearly 1 million women are actively farming, and 14 percent of our nation’s 2.1 million farms have a woman as principal operator. Follow #WomenInAg on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about these female operators and check out our Women in Agriculture board on Pinterest.
- The deadline for purchasing crop insurance for Spring crops is March 16. This will also be the last chance for commodity producers to choose one of two new risk mitigation programs included in the 2014 Farm Bill. Be sure to talk with your insurance agent to review and update your plan, and to talk about these new options – your choice this year will be in place for the next five years.
- Take a moment to appreciate U.S. farmers and ranchers on National Ag Day, March 18. In addition to growing the food that graces all our tables, these 2.1 million dedicated producers are responsible for revenues of more than $394 billion, a significant portion of our national economy. Will you be participating in your state’s Ag Day activities? We want to hear from you! Post your photos to our Facebook page or tweet using the hashtag #AgDay.
- Two of Farm Credit’s National Contributions Partners will host events focused on the future of agriculture: Agriculture Future of America will be holding the 2015 Policy Institute in Washington, DC, March 16-19, and Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) will be hosting the 30th Annual Career Fair and Training Conference from March 26 – 28 in Houston, Texas.