Masterclass on Business and Gender Equality by Business Call to Action and Oxfam – May 12 at 8am EST (12:00 UTC)
May 8, 2020 11:00 AM ET
A look at gender equality and why it matters to companies. The session aims to build a common understanding among participants, cover the implications of gender inequality for companies and workers, and look at the business case for addressing them. The masterclass will focus on the importance of working with partners along with recommendations for business on how to make progress on gender equality.
When: May 12, 2020 at 8am EST (12:00pm UTC)
To register:
- Kate Cooper, Gender and Private Sector, Oxfam: Kate has over 10 years of experience as an economist in international development specialising in Gender and Private Sector. Her work includes leading the Work and Opportunities for Women programme and the SPRING business accelerator as the Women's Economic Empowerment lead at DFID
- Leena Camadoo, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Oxfam: Leena has 13 years of experience in value chain development and private sector partnerships. Her work includes working across a global network to mainstream WEE and gender equality into programming. Supporting campaigns, events and public comms to demonstrate impact and inspire behaviour change.
- Opening remarks from Luciana Trindade de Aguiar, Business Call to Action
- Introduction to the Masterclass: Phil Walsh, Oxfam
- Presentations by Kate Cooper and Leena Camadoo, Oxfam
- Gender Equality and why it matters
- Unpaid Care & Domestic work
- Safety In and out of work
- Going Beyond Audit
- Closing Remarks, Business Call to Action