Medtronic Podcast: Ruchika Singhal Says One Thing Can Bring Better Healthcare to More People Worldwide
A podcast with Ruchika Singha, president of Medtronic Labs

Medtronic Podcast: Ruchika Singhal says one thing can bring better healthcare t…
Ruchika Singhal, president of Medtronic Labs, says she grew up in Medtronic, starting her career as an engineer. But her professional life really began when she took over Medtronic Labs, a non-profit quasi-independent arm with a mission of bringing better healthcare to more people worldwide. In this podcast, Singhal shares her story and identifies the one thing that will help more people living away from big cities and healthcare hubs. “We’re never going to have enough doctors and we’re never going to have enough infrastructure,” Singhal says. “Technology is the solution.” Medtronic Labs is working to leverage technology to help people battle the biggest threat – non communicable diseases like diabetes which can be managed with proper care.