Merck for Mothers Publishes “Evidence for Impact” 2018 Research Compendium

Merck for Mothers Research Compendium
At Merck for Mothers, we believe that actionable research is essential for taking on maternal mortality. On behalf of our team and many partners, we are pleased to share Evidence for Impact, our first Research Compendium. The publications included in this compendium advance our collective understanding of the problem of maternal mortality, inform the design and implementation of programs aiming to improve women’s health, and strengthen the global health community of practice to save women’s lives.
This document includes links to more than 100 publications we have supported over the past six years – including independent evaluations, peer-reviewed articles, program reports and policy briefs. The questions these publications explore and the answers they uncover have been invaluable for informing our work. We hope they continue to spur innovation and steer us all toward more effective approaches for reducing maternal mortality globally.
View “Evidence for Impact” here.
About Merck for Mothers
Merck for Mothers is a 10-year, 500 million dollar initiative that applies Merck scientific and business expertise – as well as its financial resources and experience in taking on tough global healthcare challenges – to end preventable maternal mortality worldwide. To achieve this, Merck for Mothers is providing transformational and sustainable solutions focused on improving the quality of maternal health care women receive at health facilities and increasing women’s access to family planning.
Merck for Mothers focuses on helping countries reduce maternal mortality and improve maternal health with the overall aim of supporting United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.1, which calls for a global reduction in the maternal mortality ratio to fewer than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030. For more information, visit