A Message From the Arbor Day Foundation Chair of the Board of Trustees

As Published in the Arbor Day Foundation 2018 Annual Report
Dear Members and Friends,
I feel very fortunate to have served on the Arbor Day Foundation’s board of trustees for nine years now. Stepping into my
new role as board chair has given me the opportunity to reflect on the last decade and the great change I have witnessed at
the Foundation through the years.
It has been the kind of change that’s not always easy — because meaningful change rarely is — but it has been incredibly profound. As an organization, we stretched ourselves, with every decision, every partnership, every planting project designed to grow our impact. And none of it would have been possible without the support of our loyal members
and friends.
Today, our world is at a crossroads. Humankind is facing serious issues such as climate change, lack of access to clean water, and air pollution. The great news is that many of these issues can be addressed in a meaningful way by the actions of individuals, often through the simple act of planting trees. The Arbor Day Foundation, loyal members, and dedicated supporters are poised to do just
that on a large scale.
I am excited to see how the Foundation is positioned today to create great change in the world that will benefit generations to come: planting more trees, building stronger communities, and improving more lives. The coming years are filled with opportunities for a better planet through trees, and I am proud to be part of this great undertaking together with all of you.
Scott Josiah, Chair
Board of Trustees