Mike Bloomberg Introduces the 2019 Bloomberg Philanthropies Annual Report

Bloomberg Philanthropies Annual Report
Mike Bloomberg issued his new letter on philanthropy today as part of the release of Bloomberg Philanthropies' 2019 annual report.
His lifetime giving now totals more than $8 billion.
He writes: “In the year ahead, as political candidates debate what to do in the future, we will work to improve the present by expanding our efforts."
"Every day, the window for avoiding the worst impacts of climate change grows smaller. More Americans lose loved ones to opioid overdoses and gun violence. More students miss out on a good education and the opportunity to go to college. And communities that were once home to thriving industries slip further behind in the changing economy.
"Proposing ideas for 2021 isn’t good enough. We need to get things done in the here and now, and I’m lucky enough to be in a position to help that.”
In her annual letter, Bloomberg Philanthropies CEO Patti Harris writes: “In all of our work, we look for strong partners, try innovative solutions, follow the data, and spread what is proven to work.”
She highlights Bloomberg Philanthropies’ partnership with the Tanzanian Ministry of Health to provide desperately needed maternal medical care to a community of women in Kigoma, Tanzania, and then how the program was turned over to the national government to lead.
You can read the full report here.