MilliporeSigma Launches Four-Year Push for Packaging Sustainability
by Robert J. Bowman

The quest for supply-chain sustainability requires paying as much attention to the package as the product inside it.
That necessity that doesn’t escape global life science leader MilliporeSigma. The company has launched a four-year effort to enforce green packaging for well over 300,000 products, translating into some 30,000 shipments a day.
MilliporeSigma is the former Sigma-Aldrich, which was acquired by Germany’s Merck KGaA in 2015 for $17bn. (It now represents the U.S. and Canadian operations of Merck.) That event served as the impetus for a complete “redo” of the company’s packaging and labeling processes, according to Jeffrey Whitford, head of global corporate responsibility. “We realized it was a great strategic time to be able to introduce the concept of packaging sustainability into the discussion,” he says.