Mondi Launches 2018 Report: Sustainable Packaging & Paper by Design
100% electricity self-sufficiency and 64% of fuel from renewable sources among the highlights

March 27, 2019 — Mondi Group, a global leader in packaging and paper has today released its 2018 reporting suite Sustainable Packaging and Paper by Design, including its full Sustainable Development report and Integrated report and financial statements.
The Sustainable Development report shows positive progress on climate change achieved through the introduction of biomass and recovery boilers in Mondi’s mills leading to 100% electricity self-sufficiency, with 64% of fuel from renewable sources. In total, there has been a 14.5% reduction in specific CO2e emissions against the 2014 commitment baseline, continuing the positive trend which shows a 38% reduction since 2004.
Gladys Naylor, Group Head of Sustainable Development, Mondi, said: “We are proud of our overall achievements this year, despite some challenges. By working together with our partners and customers we are uniquely positioned as a manufacturer of both paper and flexible plastic packaging to make a positive difference, not only for the world we live in today but for future generations too.”
Addressing the growing challenge of global waste management and as part of the company’s commitment to the circular economy it became a signatory of The New Plastics Economy Global Commitment in 2018 marking a step change in the packaging industry. Mondi will work towards eliminating plastic waste by:
- creating 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging by 2025
- boosting the use of recycled content in its products to ensure a minimum of 25% recycled content is incorporated across its plastic packaging by 2025[1]
- taking action to move from single-use towards reuse models where relevant by 2025
- taking action to eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging by 2025
Mondi’s Growing Responsibly model is the framework through which Mondi responds to sustainability challenges and opportunities. It covers 10 action areas that are most relevant for Mondi and its stakeholders and enables Mondi to demonstrate, monitor and improve its sustainability performance while making the most of its opportunities to address societal challenges, especially through contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Since the 2015 baseline, Mondi has made good progress towards its 2020 targets and in particular around sustainable fibre, climate change and biodiversity & ecosystems. Mondi has continued its sound forest management practices in line with its Sustainable Working Forest model. It has maintained 100% certification (FSC™ or PEFC™) for owned and leased forest lands. The company remains committed to zero deforestation. As part of Mondi’s strategic global partnership with WWF a collaborative focus has remained on the stewardship of climate and energy, fresh water and forests – both within Mondi’s own operations and across sectors through engaging others. Mondi joined the WWF Climate Savers Programme in 2018 and set a carbon emission target using the science-based target setting methodology.
The company remains committed to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, reporting its Communication on Progress at ‘Advanced Level’ and has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series since 2008 and the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series since 2007.
Read more about Mondi’s approach to sustainable development:
Notes to editors:
The 10 Growing Responsibly model Action Areas are listed below and mapped out in the report against the six UN SDG’s where Mondi believes it can have the greatest impact, with links to all other SDGs found in the SDG index:
- Sustainable Fibre
- Climate Change
- Biodiversity and Ecosystems
- Constrained Resources and Environmental Impacts
- Fairness and Diversity in the Workplace
- A Skilled and Committed Workforce
- Employee and Contractor Safety and Health
- Supplier Conduct and Responsible Procurement
- Relationships with Communities
- Solutions that create value for customers
For more information, please contact:
Susan Brunner
Senior Sustainability Positioning Manager
Marxergasse 4a, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 79013 5654
1 Where it does not compromise health and safety requirements